
Refer to The Monster Overhaul by Skerples for amazing cultist tables

Occult fanatics. Cultists worship powerful creatures such as demons, fays and horrors. Warlocks, witches, heretics and animists are common types of cultists. They have weird, quasi-magical powers. Cultists are often seen with Abyssal Wretches and other Horrors.

Hit Points: 4 Armor: 0
Hit it: normal Dodge it: normal
Movement: normal Size: medium
→ How to read monster stats

10 or more cultists can summon a Divine, Fay or Horror creature after performing a 10 minutes ritual and sacrificing sufficient treasures or living things. The summoned creature does not obey them.

Attacks (1/round)

Fanatical Stab. The cultist makes a melee attack with advantage (1D6 dmg). All attacks against the cultist have advantage until its next turn.

Loot It

Cults often hoard riches and artifacts of powers, but seldom give them to their members. Each cultist carries a Crooked Dagger, its vestments, and …

  1. Nothing
  2. Nothing
  3. A torch.
  4. An occult trinket identifying membership to the cult.
  5. A sinister mask.
  6. A purse full of copper coins.
Play As One

The Diabolist character class might interest you.

Cultist Variants

Add the following powers to the generic cultist for a twist.

Awakened Mind. A hivemind cult.

Psychic Command. Target creature must save or obey a 2-word command from the cultist. The command must be achievable in one immediate action.

Silent Obsecration. The cultist calls for 1D4 other cultists, which will arrive in 10 minutes.

Dream Cultist. A drug cult.

Hallucinogenic Dust. Two nearby creatures must save or be confused.

Cannibal. A death cult.

Rabid Bite. The cultist makes a melee attacks (1D4). The target must save or be affected by Ghoul Rabies.

Pig Cultist. A filfth cult.

Each creature adjacent to the cultist at the beginning of its turn must save or be poisoned by its smell for 1 turn. A creature is immune to this ability for 24h after a successful save.

Tiger Cultist. A rakshasa cult.

The cultist’s tattoos allow it to see in the dark, meld in shadows and pounce 20’.

The Lair

Number : 3D10 Lair : An abandonned church Desire : Recruit new members; summon their masters; topple the Church.

A basic dungeon thematic room.

To fill a dungeon room.

To give purpose to the creature.

Written on November 15, 2020